
self-immolation as a form of protest

@salmon_rushdie said in #40:
> There will never be peace or positive coexistence in Judea as long as any sides justify or condone the killing of innocents on either side.
My opinion is that there won't be peace in the nation of Judea until the two religions come to terms and learn to share the Holy Land.
@LordSupremeChess said in #41:
> My opinion is that there won't be peace in the nation of Judea until the two religions come to terms and learn to share the Holy Land.
Of course, the two are mutual
@greenteakitten said in #39:
> So you condone October 7. I think that’s all anyone needs to hear really.
> And the fact that you ask what the problem is...
So you let Israel do their colonisation in Gaza without any resistance? I thought you were better than this.
@salmon_rushdie said in #40:
You assume in this comment that this is an equal war between two equal parties, which is not true. Palestinians were oppressed during 76 years by Zionism colonisers.

I don't condone the killing of civilians, I condone the stopping of the heartless Zionists' apartheid in any way possible.
@WassimBerbar said in #44:
> You assume in this comment that this is an equal war between two equal parties, which is not true. Palestinians were oppressed during 76 years by Zionism colonisers.
> I don't condone the killing of civilians, I condone the stopping of the heartless Zionists' apartheid in any way possible.

That’s hypocritical. Violence against noncombatants is being used as a weapon against Israel. You can’t condone and decry an action simultaneously.
@clousems said in #45:
> That’s hypocritical. Violence against noncombatants is being used as a weapon against Israel. You can’t condone and decry an action simultaneously.
Killing civilians is unacceptable, from any side. Someone accusing another of something that the someone is doing is also unacceptable. Violence against noncombattants was used against Palestine for decades, and all you look at is Israel as a weak state.

You dare speak about Israel as if it's weak, but whenever the Palestinians fight back, Israel claims self defense while it literally has the US' help in their colonisation. Who's the real hypocrite in this room?
@WassimBerbar said in #43:
> So you let Israel do their colonisation in Gaza without any resistance? I thought you were better than this.

Better than what? Realizing that October 7 wasn’t just some justified “resistance”? Man it takes a lot of faith to believe this.

You are justifying October 7 right now and acting surprised Pikachu when it turns out that I don’t. And I trust I’m not the only one.
If killing civilians from either side is unacceptable, then October 7 is unacceptable yet you are claiming it is. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. At the very least, don’t contradict yourself on the same forum.

There is always the suspicion that people are egoists. That they advocate a cause not out of sincere belief but rather because they stand to benefit personally. The power of self-immolation comes from the fact that the person who practices it will clearly not gain anything from their protest. Being a non-violent protest we can also tell that it is not an act of blind anger.
@greenteakitten said in #47:
> Better than what? Realizing that October 7 wasn’t just some justified “resistance”? Man it takes a lot of faith to believe this.
You said this sentence many times "It takes a lot of faith to believe this" while I told you 3/4 of the countries in the world (the 1/4 are USA, Britain, Germany, France and Israel) condone the attack and say Hamas aren't terrorists, and we had this discussion already. I'm not interested in another one again.

> You are justifying October 7 right now and acting surprised Pikachu when it turns out that I don’t. And I trust I’m not the only one.
I always knew you don't justify Oct. 7th. You're not the only one saying Oct. 7th You want to turn it into the same debate, with the same arguments, with the same replies.

@greenteakitten said in #48:
> If killing civilians from either side is unacceptable, then October 7 is unacceptable yet you are claiming it is. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. At the very least, don’t contradict yourself on the same forum.
You assume killing civilians is the only thing that happened on Oct. 7th and it's the thing Hamas did, while it's not.

You can't deny that Israel shot at its own civilians. At this point, you're living in denial. Don't tell me burned bodies are caused by Hamas tanks, while we know Hamas literally doesn't have tanks.

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