
Puzzle Rush

Anyone know the process for implementing a new feature like this? I know the small number of devs are probably way overloaded as is. Does a new feature start as a ticket on the github? Or do the devs look over the forums and then pick out new ideas?
If someone knows Scala well, I imagine implementing something and sending an unsolicited PR would be fine. To my knowledge, nobody has committed to doing any of this yet, and I don't know Scala. It might be a fun opportunity to learn, but I don't really have the time. It would be helpful for someone to publicly mention that they're intending / starting / started work on this (if they do) to avoid duplicate effort in case multiple parties might be interested.
Puzzle Battle or anything similar to Puzzle Rush is a great idea.
I believe in lichess version we could have no mistakes allowed and you can have several hints available instead. For example:
Skip puzzle - skip this puzzle
50/50 - show you two top moves
Piece - show you piece type you need to move
Time stop - stop timer for extra 10 second only for this puzzle
#33 #37 Just be cautioned that Lichess developers are careful about adding features which over time make the codebase difficult to maintain/upgrade (for performance or to introduce other new features). Some PRs/patches don't get accepted, so it's probably a good idea to discuss design before writing and submitting code.
@Toadofsky when you say design what do you mean by that? Are you talking about specifically what people want in the feature?

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