
CRUSH the Italian Game with the Blackburne-Shilling Gambit!

1 • felix_thang15 •
  1. What is the Blackburne-Shilling Gambit?
  2. What happens?
  3. What if Bishop takes f7?
  4. Refutation of the Gambit
  1. felix_thang15

CRUSH the Italian Game with the Blackburne-Shilling Gambit!

1 • felix_thang15 •
  1. What is the Blackburne-Shilling Gambit?
  2. What happens?
  3. What if Bishop takes f7?
  4. Refutation of the Gambit
  1. felix_thang15

Traps to trap your opponent queen early in the game

1 • Sumay23 •
  1. Englund gambit
  2. Tennision gambit
  3. Hector gambit
  4. Albin Counter gambit
  1. Sumay23

All The Traps You Need To Know!

548 • Divena013 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Legal Trap
  3. Elephant Trap
  4. Noah Ark Trap
  1. Divena013
  2. Thedhbh
  3. DhruvanshBhatt

Crush Sicilian with this RARE Gambit!

1516 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Porthsmouth Gambit?
  2. Section 1: black plays 4....d5
  3. Punishing 10....Nb8??
  4. Punishing 10....Nd8??
  1. Bosburp

Beat the Italian with the Traxler Counterattack!

17 • BunnyMommyIsHappy •
  1. What is the Traxler?
  2. Nxf7, Kxf2
  3. Ke1??
  4. Ke2??
  1. BunnyMommyIsHappy

Latvian Gambit

5 • Darkdragon0101 •
  1. Welcome
  2. Chapter 1: Bc4
  3. Chapter 2: exf5
  4. Chapter 3: Nxe5
  1. Darkdragon0101

aashni0708's Study

1 • aashni0708 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. aashni0708

Scandinavian! all i found+Notes

2 • colt45nine •
  1. Scandinavian for White: intro + Var. names links
  2. Scandinavian(1.e4 d5)!! Englund Gambit(1.d4 e5?) Hell Nah
  3. MAIN LINE (3...Qa5 with 5.d3
  4. B01 Scandinavian Defense: Valencian Variation, Main Line (9.O-O-O Bb4)
  1. colt45nine

French defence variations PART1

4 • colt45nine •
  1. FM Kamil Plichta presentation and links
  2. French Defense Traps in Black’s favour #1
  3. (3. cxd5 Steiner Variation) 4. Qb3 Orthoschnapp Gambit
  4. 2.b3 :Horwitz Attack, Papa-Ticulat Gambit + GM's games!
  1. colt45nine

WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

501 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp

mini book traps

1 • colt45nine •
  1. Italian common mistakes!
  2. Italian variation 3...h6?! ( Anti-Fried Liver Defense )
  3. vs ruy lopez ( Mortimer Variation )
  4. Danish Gambit loose queen
  1. colt45nine

Gambito Danés.

5 • L46UN35 •
  1. Main Opening Ideas.
  2. Goodbye.
  3. Poisoned Pawn.
  1. L46UN35

Celadas I.

1 • L46UN35 •
  1. Legal.
  2. Elephant.
  3. Noah Ark.
  4. Alien Gambit I.
  1. L46UN35

The Queen's Gambit

6903 • Yonushke •
  1. Introduction
  2. Credits
  3. Chapter 1 : Queen's Gambit, Trap 1
  4. Chapter 2 : Queen's Gambit Declined Variation 1
  1. Yonushke
  3. FciWally
  4. NatWill

The Inferno Gambit

2 • DaVinci2013 •
  1. Inferno Gambit (WORKS AT 2200-2500 LEVEL)
  2. V2 (Avoid Sicilian Defense) (Works at EVERY LEVEL)
  3. V3 (Avoid 3...Nc6)
  1. DaVinci2013