
Why doesnt knight+pawn endgame count as draw

If your entire goal for a game is to run the opponent out of time then you damn deserve every single timeout loss you receive.


going by that logic, there shouldn't be an automatic draw in a knight only endgame because your opponent can just autistically run circles around you getting you to waste time, but wait, THAT'S ACTUALLY NOT ALLOWABLE FOR SOME MAJESTIC REASON
The FIDE Laws of Chess are clear: if you run out of time you lose unless your opponent cannot checkmate you by any series of legal moves, in which case it is a draw.
If you do not like to lose on time, then play with increment.
>The FIDE Laws of Chess are clear: if you reach an endgame whereby the only way to win is for your opponent to make childish mistakes, you automatically win because we are mean rulemakers


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