
Incorrectly declared draw on timeout

Not really. W: K+B v B: K+p would end in a win if black lost on time in a OTB tournament.
Yes #12. That is one of the problems with the current system. It is difficult to please everyone in this matter.
#12 If you have a forced mate, try complain to admins. They probably can change the score. But that probably happens less than 1 time in 10 million games ...
Lichess is under no obligations to abide strictly by FIDE rules (touch move?, dots showing what moves are legal?, premove?, prompts that tell you 3-fold or 50-move have occurred? etc.).

In the case of these sorts of draws, it's a bit technically difficult to implement, since as stated a couple times FIDE's rules are that it's a draw only if there's no legal sequence of moves leading to checkmate.

Having the server figure out if there is ANY legal sequence of moves ending in checkmate is a bit (understatement) computationally expensive.

Every online server I know uses rules like lichess, which are more similar to USCF rules, where instead you just declare certain material configurations insufficient.

Neither rule is somehow "objectively" right; it's just a matter of picking one and sticking with it, and the current way of doing it is much simpler to implement.

As has already been pointed out, can't make everybody happy :)
Let's give the control of the opponent pieces to the player, who has time.
That is a very smart and elegant idea. If the aim is to implement FIDE rules. Put the burden to prove a win is possible on the player that wants to claim it, rather than burden the server with it.
#17 Agreed, that would be fun although I'm unsure how to measure when the player has failed (since their time already expired).

FIDE (or USCF) rules seem a decent alternative.
Although I don't think it would be a huge burden for servers. Find possible mate I think much more easier, than find forced mate.
Maybe it is an interesting achievement for programmers :)

I suspect, that mate is always possible with K+B, K+N, or K+NN, if the opponent has more than one King. Except K+B or K+N vs K+Q.
Except some very special situations, where stalemate is unavoidable.

So I like my idea to give the player the opportunity to prove the mate in time :)
It's an interesting idea, and @Toadofsky, I don't think that's actually an issue.

The scenario is that one person's flag falls, but the other player has some material combination automatically deemed "insufficient".

The person trying to claim the win because his opponent's flag fell would be the one with time left on the clock, but supposedly insufficient material.

That player could just be allowed to use his remaining time to demonstrate a possible mating line.

In what I find an amusing possibility, it could also be devilishly used to resolve ALL flagging situations, in which case those time scrambles at the end of bullet games would quite generally be draws.

I would find that humorous and fitting, but for most people that would just ruin bullet :)

If I'm being serious, I still prefer the rules in the USCF and here, but the idea has some charm.

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