
Swiss chess tournament on lichess

Maybe donating a little money to Lichess would help? This is a volunteer and ad-free website. Just asking for more service is not okay.
@alms Perhaps Lichess should comment on why Swiss or round robin tournaments isn't a feature.
I haven't seen a single post explaining why. And I seen a lot of post requesting it.

Maybe donations would help, or maybe donations goes to other features? We have no control over that.
Demanding new free features is impolite, we agree, but suggestion new features, that is also a way of supporting this site. Just as reports of bug is a support for the maintenance of this site.

We all want to see Lichess improve, we are all here because we love the site. But that doesn't mean we can't see faults with Lichess. And just donating money, doesn't necessarily mean those faults would go away.

I don't know Lichess financial position, nor their expenses. And I am not ungrateful, but also, if I donated money, I want a say in where the money goes.
All respect to Thibault. He is one of the biggest contributors to the modern chess community.

But this topic is a legitimate topic, and have been ignored for too long without an official reply as to why.
Not that it solves anything, but every single person in this thread requesting features is not a Patron. Put a little monthly fee in it, c'mon. Then see if it gets better.
@spaitz because some of us want to see where the money goes.
I don't mind offering money for charity, but I wanna see and have an influence in how those money is spend.

@tors42 thank you for the links, but it provided no answer. (Example below)

How to much to make Lichess have tournaments with elimination or round robin?
-How much to make it happen, and how much to keep it going? Starting cost and operational cost?
@spaitz I am a patron, but anyway :)

I seem to remember that one reason given against Round Robin and Swiss was that waiting for the end of each round would interrupt the flow of the game.
@alms how much do Lichess get in donations?
And where would they spend their donations? (Regarding features) if I donated?
And how much donation do they need regarding classic chess tournament?. (Example round robin, or Elimination)
And who provide the winning prices of a free tournament?
If I donate, some of my money would go to to Lichess? But I will have no say on how to spend it?

Thank you for providing us with more details. I appreciate it. But still curious as to why no official information is given by Lichess regarding Swiss tournaments.

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