
Lichess needs to do more about cheating!

@Artem-Kozirev said in #59:
> Well, as you haven't kept detailed records and you cannot substantiate ... how about @BorisOspasky answer to another user in 40# applied to you? right after you comment in #39. What do you think about that?

Did you just wake up toxic today or are you always like this? Just because I haven't kept detailed records myself (why would I?) does not mean that these records don't exist somewhere. They do and are accessible to the moderation team. You don't need to see them, and we don't need your toxicity either... If you aren't sure you can always ask @BorisOspasky to clarify because I'm pretty sure he's not referring to me with his comment. Have a great day!

Hello and good morning :-)

Just wondering why you are not playing rated blitz or rapid games anymore ?

If I understood the activity report correctly, from your profile, it is about two months since you last time played a rated blitz game, and longer since last rated rapid game.

I does not mean anything negative by asking this question. Am just curious.

Sorry if I have annoyed you a bit by posting a bit paranoic posts about cheating.

Wish you a good weekend. If you are still in Ukraine, I hope you endure / hold out Putins evil actions until something / someoune gets him and his evil gang of criminals, so that there can be peace and order.
@Trygve-Birger said in #73:
> Just wondering why you are not playing rated blitz or rapid games anymore ?

Minesweeper. (and my job, of course)

Also I show Ukraine for solidarity (the war is far from over), like many others, from my teams you should see I'm German.

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