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749 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Hypocrites and hyperbullet#6

Also, users with hyperthermia are not cool about this.

General Chess Discussion - Hypocrites and hyperbullet#3

Hypothetically, hypersensitive users could be offended. Also, hypochondriac users may feel ill...

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#30

#29 Yes, a conspiracy to fake the moon landing would have been a much greater accomplishment than a moon landing. Still, people believe in all sorts of things, that's why we have all these good for no…

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#24

#23 I also believe this. Everything else you can imagine a solution for. Water, for example, crash ice asteroids on Mars. Is there some solution at all for the lack of a magnetosphere?

General Chess Discussion - What was the first game to ever be recorded in the history of chess? How good were the players?#23

There was a discussion about this on a few years ago. If you search there perhaps you can find it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Just pass it on#6

My experience is more: A good deed never goes unpunished. That made me consider carefully if I should help someone before I do it. One time I didn't got punished for helping someone was when I ran aft…

Off-Topic Discussion - xxx#6


Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of my interpretation of the Book of Revelation here?#10

#7 I'm curious. Corrupt here would mean changed from the correct version. What has changed and what would the right version be?

Off-Topic Discussion - Are you enjoying Youtube?#1

Clickbait, videos far too long for the content and an enormous amount of meh quality. Even serious scientists make videos with too much talking. Many videos would benefit from cutting of most of the t…
