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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - FEN codes broken for Horde, cannot continue match From Position??#1

The website does not let you continue From Position with FEN codes for horde variant. This makes it MUCH HARDER to practice endgame in variants when you cannot start from position, that OR always able…

Community Blog Discussions - My two favorite chess tournaments#5

"I like kids. I really do. " That is awkward sir lol should not have to qualify an appreciation for ALTO tournament however good pictures for the post cheers :D

General Chess Discussion - Here we go again#4

Sounds like nothing and just nonense? What is on with this sir LOL :D

General Chess Discussion - Hate on keyboard players?#1

How prevalent is this in bullet games? It is strange to see people playing lots of chess for some reason against using the keyboard controls on this site? How much faster are they than mouse and why n…

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#138

If you give them an inch... Oftentimes doesn't end well mate! Unless you know the guy!! And you're going to have trouble if you're assuming you're playing against an "8 year old girl who just lost a p…

General Chess Discussion - Players Who Leave Without Resinging#8

Bummer man however you know this is the reaction they are trying to get out of people. You can start another game IN the meantime. OR play blitz/bullet and not even an issue :D
