
Search "user:hal9k"

360 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Which childhood event turned you into the bloodthirsty psychopath you are today?#43

So obvious and typical mistake in subj - Instead of "Which childhood event turned you into the bloodthirsty psychopath you are today?" Question must be "Which childhood event turned you into the wise …

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the situation in Ukraine?#18

@PTX187 said in #16: > There is one hegemonic country in the modern world, and it is closely monitoring that there is not even a hint of a threat to its current status. You realize that this typical l…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the situation in Ukraine?#15

It's absolutely insane and horrible from every point of view when you can't affect it much, but must participate. And when you have resources and time and have awareness - it's perfectly clear who is …

Off-Topic Discussion - Possible way to prevent nuclear winter.#6

Probably time to bump my first message above once more after recent statement. Please notice t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Possible way to prevent nuclear winter.#4

@Rookitiki said in #3: > How does any of what you said refer to preventing a nuclear winter? Directly. In short, putin's "we will go to heaven and they will just croak" will be replaced with unascepta…

Off-Topic Discussion - Possible way to prevent nuclear winter.#1

So we have situation when a group of worst scam can order soon nuclear strike on Ukraine territory. Not unexpected, was writing months ago that as soon as first major defeat occur, chance of this will…

Off-Topic Discussion - Arrested for holding blank piece of paper#6

@PxJ said in #3: > I followed you until there. @twighead said in #5: You may be just too used that things work normally and reasonably, while: 1) it's well known fact that there was group of people wh…

Off-Topic Discussion - Arrested for holding blank piece of paper#2

There are two main outcomes now: 1) As putin's group defeat will appear imminent, they will use nuclear strike. Just because of psychology of half-child half-animal works. He is not capable of thinkin…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cruelty and barbarism of ruzzian soldiers#25

One very important thing - most of these animal type messages come from ruzzian government fake _bots_. It developed very sophisticated methods to manipulate people, and of of them is instinct of beha…

Lichess Feedback - Это город Белгород,Россия#3

За 4 месяца десятки украинских городов сровнены с землей и выжжены. Донецк до марта целый был по отзывам его же жителей. Масштаб уничтожений украинского населения не идет ни в какое сравнение с отдель…
