
Search "user:Pham_Duy_Hai"

90 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - defeatist attitude#27

Personally, I think that resigning is only for high level players (not necessary high elo players, although it's high elos most of the time). They knows how to deal with pretty much everything, so it'…

General Chess Discussion - Feature request:Pausing a tournament automatically when a player is on a call#23

FYI, lichess did added this feature. sorta. If you are disconnected/didn't move in a tournament, they pause it for you ONCE the game ends. Yes, you lose, but no elos is lost, so at least that's that

General Chess Discussion - defeatist attitude#9

@Hedgehog1963 said in #5: > They're hoping for stalemate. Getting rid of all your pieces and pawns increases the chances of stalemate. or, in bullet, dirty draw requests to distract opponent. not good…

Game analysis - Invisible Chess Moves#16

1. Bh7!!, as if Rxh7, accepting the sac, Bxe7 and boom win queen, otherwise if black play something like Qe8 trying to get away from the fork we win the bishop with check, therefore saving our white-s…

Game analysis - Bullet in a nutshell#1 mate in 1 - time out. luckiest game of the day

Game analysis - Can sombody explain this#6

@MagnusCarlsen910 said in #5: > Maybe opponent was felling bad for u so or he might be busy so he accepted it... insert horsey meme here

Game analysis - Can sombody explain this#3

@edot12345 said in #2: > the game was drawn by mutual agreement. either you offered a draw to your opponent and they accepted, or vice versa; they offered a draw to you and you accepted No, the game i…

Game analysis - Can sombody explain this#1 ?????

Lichess Feedback - If my opp. mouse slips, and I dont want to let a takeback is that alright?#11

@Sarg0n said in #9: > Take ... what? can somebody revoke his title pls, he doesn't even know takebacks (:

General Chess Discussion - "Weapon" against the Scandi#11

Tennison gambit, ICBM variation (e4 d5 Nf3, easier with Nf3 first since that's a bit more incentive to get d5, and then dxe4 Ng5). Very useful for low-mid elo bullet and blitzes, but not recommended f…
