
Search "user:Kranix"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - If Magnus Carlsen plays a couple of games on lichess, would the cheat detection in the site trigger?#20

Just curious - what means does the site use to detect window/tab switching? Apparently, there are several ways to do this in Javascript, but some browser/OS combinations seem to be able to bypass it.

Lichess Feedback - testing embedded analysis#6

Nice. Why isn't it possible to select text and click links (without hacks), though?

General Chess Discussion - People who continue to play after blundering a queen in the opening: WHY?#8

@droceretik, I disagree. I would never resign a position with any realistic chance of not losing, at least in a serious game; a 10% chance is more than enough for me. If an opponent can't have a highe…

General Chess Discussion - Antichess Has Been Solved!#4

@Dragon-Lord, it is solved in the sense that the outcome is determined from the opening position with perfect play from both sides. White having the possibility of making a suboptimal opening move doe…
