
Search "user:DavidSkerle"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis doesn't work#4

I didn't know about the 30 games limit... Thanks! It would be good if there is a pop-up window or some notification that explains to a user, why he can't use computer analysis.

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis doesn't work#1

When I click on the Request a computer analysis, the browser tab reloads and the game it's not analysed...

Lichess Feedback - Profile picture/avatar#3

@DenWalker I mean picture to appear next to the name of the user. In the game, in online friends tab, forum posts... Similar to and ICC.

Lichess Feedback - Profile picture/avatar#1

It would be nice feature every player to have a profile picture or avatar.

Lichess Feedback - Chess clocks while analyzing games.#1

It will be great if you can add clocks in the computer analysis. It's boring when you need to search the move number in the "Move times" tab, to find out time spent on particular move, or time left. T…
