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75 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#24

#20 I'm not fat.

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#15

And my name isn't billybob, its pdela.

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#14

Anything appropriate appropriate appropriate, Anything appropriate appropriate appropriate, Anything appropriate appropriate appropriate, All day long.

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#12

I don't find it funny that someone tells me to go to a terrorist torture camp, therefore I'm childish...................................................................................................…

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#9

The FM mocked up a ticket for me saying 'guntanemo bay'

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#6

maybe #4 but there's no excuse for abuse. #5 The thibster = thibault. It's his pet name that I'm sure he adores.

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#3

That would be stupid because you don't know me as a person. It should not be acceptable to make death threats on the chess website and I'm sure the Thibster who founded it would agree.

Lichess Feedback - Peeps are so rude on this website#1

I start a harmless thread asking about otb chess Then people comment hinting I should be assassinated, saying I need to w…

General Chess Discussion - I am the greatest.#12

Thank you Nob Odyreally. I wasn't going to bring clothes anyway since I request to be provided with some expensive suits and watches and other assorted garments. Also since I will be quitting my job a…

Off-Topic Discussion - vs lichess: which is better?#27

I think we can conclude the Thibster has done a far better job in making lichess. Three cheers!!! !!! !!!
