
Search "user:chessprimus"

56 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Does technology encourage laziness?#15

The advantage of new technogies will only be on the employer's side. Company owners will only cut down on working time and pay for the shorter working time. In other words: the profit of lower product…

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you connect chess to real life#13

Chess is almost real life. It's almost like real life and comparable with two armys fighting each other . Bishops=light artillery, rooks=heavy artillery, knights=cavalry and pawns=infantry and Kings b…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does technology encourage laziness?#11

#1 Don't think it makes people lazier but more difficult to find a rfeasonable paid job. chessprimus

Off-Topic Discussion - The years before the russian attack on Ukraine#95

Thalassokrator # 46 I just wonder why you made a long story of the word"the". My guess is that you assumed that my grammatical mistake made you think I'm from Russia. I'm not - I'm from Sweden and eng…

Off-Topic Discussion - The years before the russian attack on Ukraine#55

A lot of people are expressing their believe that USA is a a first class democracy. If this is true I don't understand why this country has a long tradition to cooperate with dictators like Saddam, Ma…

Off-Topic Discussion - The years before the russian attack on Ukraine#1

I recommend reading Putins speech during the the Munich security conference in Munich 2007 which clarifies a lot. Ever since that year Putin has demanded a conference about european security with the …

Off-Topic Discussion - What would your perfect day be like?#8

When peace has been achieved in Ukraine.

Off-Topic Discussion - The diversity of life#12

Diversity of life is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately there are always a few governments/nations having the ambition to rule the world and creating a lot of agressions, wars and economic problems.

Off-Topic Discussion - What book influenced your worldview?#9

1984 by George Orwell because we getting closer every day to thr future Orwell described more than 70 years ago.

Off-Topic Discussion - Shame on you Russia, shame on you, Putin!#36

The USA has for a long time refused negotiations with Russia and ignored to talk about security problems. The american "containment policy" and confrontation as well as NATO expansion is one of the re…
