
Clock issues on lichess

I don't know if it my Internet, but I've recently been having real issues with time that makes it hard to play quick chess or even maintain a stable connection to clock on lichess (it appears like I am otherwise connected to the Internet fine).

I never had that great a connection to lichess (I get ~350-450ms ping) and I am in Australia on the other side of the world from the server in France. My connection is standard broadband in a major city, not mobile or anything like this.

Today I just flat out lost a game with plenty of time on my showing clock all of a sudden (more than a half a minute in a blitz game). It came up with a "null object" error on the screen in the middle of the board and when I reloaded the page I had lost and it was in analysis mode.

This kind of thing where I lose time on the clock or lose chunks of time just happens randomly to me and completely throws me. I've started to make a lot of premoves to try and mitigate this throughout the games, but this is often disastrous :P This doesn't seem to work though.

I am using chrome on Ubuntu linux and would be happy to try any suggestions to try and make this issue not so problematic for me. I like the site and just want to play some fun chess without my clock being randomly sapped.
I'm also in Australia and I have similar issues. It's nothing to do with lichess itself, just crap internet. I've lost so many games from 'reconnecting...' but such is life.
I'm having the same problem. It's getting impossible to play.

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