
Firefox Addon: keeping track of time spent on Puzzles (lpst)

Hello everyone,

Just to announce that Mozilla has approved an addon that I've created on a lazy sunday: lpst (Lichess Puzzle Streat Timer).

It's quite simple: it adds a timer on the left sidebar whenever visiting the "Puzzles" or "Puzzle Streak" tabs. The goal is not to loose track of time whenever training on puzzles (or set a self imposed time limit).

Note: didn't publish it yet to Chrome Web Store, but will soon do it.
Needs to be more visible, like on the top right above the moves.
It would be nice to see it start automatically.
Would need to reset on every puzzle.
Also noticed that it needs adjustments based on Lichess background themes (dark and light). It only looks sensible with the transparent background atm.

Update: thank you for your feedback @Toscani! Top-right position looks reasonable.
It's a great idea. would be good if it had the following features.

1. Lifetime spent on puzzles - a cumulative time in hours minutes seconds of time spent on puzzles since addon first used to present time use. All the training hours and minutes and seconds spent on puzzles added together.

2 Set a countdown timer mode (Goal setting mode) which could be used to make sure we spend a minimum amount of time training on puzzles

3. Have a blitz mode, that times how long you spend per puzzle in 3 min and 5 min Puzzle Storm. So you can set 2 sec and the timer is green when the puzzle is loaded and turns amber to red as 2 seconds is spent or more on a single puzzle storm puzzle. This could help train people to try to be faster per puzzle solved.

Just 3 suggestions from the original creator of the puzzle game you all call Puzzle Rush :)
Thank you @michuk for the incredible ideas !

Will need some time to implement those, but they are great!

I think your point 3. is similar to what @Toscani had in mind when mentioning that "Would need to reset on every puzzle". Correct if I'm mistaken @Toscani :)

The basic goal of keeping track of total time is done, which is quite basic, but I think lifetime spent on puzzles and countdown timer mode is next on track!

Just updated the addon to version 1.1.0 on Mozilla's dev hub, just waiting for approval. Here are the changes:

* Move timer to top of move list (@Toscani)
* Automatically start timer (@Toscani)
* Adjust colors based on selected theme (light, dark or transparent) (@ferreirat)

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