

While I myself sometimes get mad when I lose over and over in chess. You have to remember, you are not a professional chess player. The game is made for fun. Watch some chess lectures or some GMs stream. Personally, I enjoy watching GM Ben Finegold and GM Eric Hanson. If you are really getting annoyed at the game I suggest taking a break from it for a day or two. Best of luck with your future games!
Hm, sounds like your issue is not with chess, MrDomino.

Professional counseling should help.

Best of luck
I'm surprised nobody has stated the most obvious solution yet... Surround yourself with pillows and unbreakable objects. Duh. Good luck with your future pillow fights and hurling of feather dusters sir!
I can't remember the last time I used the word "pussy" (or, in this case "pussies") to describe someone. (The whole "gender equality" movement put descriptors like that on the back-burner a few years ago. All the same, good to hear some old-school insults being thrown around. I had to pause and think about this after the hell I caught for for being an obtuse asshole a while back. I guess it's okay for other people to act like that; just not me.)

Guys, still feeding the troll? Some harsh words were appropriate.
Dear Mr. Domino,

What I would recommend is that you really go for it and destroy your entire interior and, should it not cause too much friction with possible neighbours, your house as well. I find it brings out the inner macgyver. Or, to put it in chess terms, the inner Catastrov. A huge spike in rating may be safely expected thus.

Best regards,
Though they are going to leave that pillow safety zone in some future, so no chess outside of it until outbursts aren't 100% fixed.

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