
Sharing account in maraphon for broadcast show

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Can 2 players:
GM rated 2700
CM rated 2500
play in maraphon in turn for broadcast show, using one account?
From the Terms of Service: "The sharing of accounts is generally not permitted. Users may share an account for activities like “hand and brain”, for streaming or educational purposes, but this must be clear in the account profile description, with names and ratings where relevant, and to opponents (e.g., by accepting viewer challenges, or playing pre-arranged matches, rather than from general lobby seeks)."

Since the opponents you'd face in a tournament wouldn't know, it doesn't look like it would be considered allowable.
Players will be named in profile, for sure. Question is - can 2 players play in MARAPHON on one account?
But TOS indicates putting the info in your profile isn't sufficient. Your opponents need to know. Since general lobby seeks aren't permissible for this reason, I don't see why a general tournament would be any different. It's pretty clear your opponents typically wouldn't know.
@Challenger_Spy said in #4:
> Players will be named in profile, for sure. Question is - can 2 players play in MARAPHON on one account?

No, they can't.

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