
Feature or bug? Opening explorer keeps popping up, altough I just want to analyze a normal game

I checked out the great opening explorer, for me and other players. After that, I played a game and I wanted to analyze that game aftwards, just like I always do.
But in the analyze screen (on the right) I still get the last opened opening explorer (even if it was for another player, what makes little sense, when I want to analyze a game from totally different users.)

Is this a Session/Cache/State problem or is that intentionally?

Bye :-)
It's intended. The opening explorer open/closed state is always preserved. Ofc in some situations it might not make too much sense but in many others it does, e.g. for people that like to always have the Lichess or masters db open. And I'm sure there are also cases where you might want to look at a different game while keeping your own or somebody else's opening explorer open, e.g. maybe look at a game from Magnus to compare.

If you don't need the opening explorer anymore, you can just close it and it will stay closed.

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