
2 bishops: insufficient material?

The game is a draw, according to the 50-moves rule. Insufficient material is not the reason.
yes. you could checkmate them with 2 bishops. it was a draw because of the 50-move rule. it's a bug because it says insufficient material.
Should say "50 moves without progress - Draw". Bug.
You can mate with two bishops from any given position within 19 moves. Looks like you lack basic skills.
Black moved, White overstepped the time - Black has got insufficient material.

Or not?
That’s the pgn

Site ""]
[Date "2021.11.24"]
[White "lichess AI level 8"]
[Black "kingmug2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2021.11.24"]
[UTCTime "18:39:31"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "1500"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "8/4B3/8/3k4/6B1/5K2/8/8 b - - 81 41"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

41... Ke5 42. Ke2 Kd5 43. Kd3 Ke5 44. Ke3 Kd5 45. Bd8 Ke5 46. Be7 Kd5 47. Bh3 Ke5 48. Bg5 Kd5 49. Bf1 Ke5 50. Be2 { The game is a draw. } Kd5 1/2-1/2
The problem may be the move number 41 at the end of the FEN. Make that 1 and try again.
White overstepped the time limit and Black has insufficient material (bare king).
this had no time limit LUL

it was drawn due to 50-moves-rule, the very last number of the FEN exists for the 50 moves rule

however the stated "draw reason" indeed looks buggy then

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