
how do i create a tournament for 3 players, a double round robin for example?

how do i create a tournament for 3 players, a double round robin for example?
@edrosenthal Create a team with the three of you and then a swiss tournament in that team, and all possible pairing will complete before the tournament is finished.
If you want a double round robin create two tournaments then... or just create a list of who will challenge who so you can elsure each player gets to play each color once.
thanks for that reply. i thought i did create a tournament with the three of us, but instead of seeing a game to play all i saw was "waiting for pairing". i must have done something wrong. and how do you create a list of who can play who?
thanks again for any suggestions.

What about Round Robin?
We'd like to add it, but unfortunately Round Robin doesn't work online.
The reason is that it has no fair way of dealing with people leaving the tournament early. We cannot expect that all players will play all their games in an online event. It just won't happen, and as a result most Round Robin tournaments would be flawed and unfair, which defeats their very reason to exist.
The closest you can get to Round Robin online is to play a Swiss tournament with a very high number of rounds. Then all possible pairings will be played before the tournament ends.

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