
Why Do People Cheat?

I just wonder why someone would want to cheat at online chess, especially at the amateur level where there generally are no cash prizes or some other greed based incentive to achieve better results. How does someone derive any sort of satisfaction from winning games or having a pumped up rating because they used an engine? Does it make them feel strong? Do they feel socially enabled here on lichess, wrongly thinking that someone else will actually care about their engine inflated online rating? It just seems like it would be a massive waste of time and I dont quite understand what kind of self deceiving satisfaction the cheater gets from cheating. Thoughts?
I would guess that most cheaters have received very-poor-parenting.
@NoExcusesBruh said in #3:
> They cheat because they wants to win. Win = pride

Seems like a pretty hollow way to feel proud when it was the engine that won the game, not them.
@Le_Patzer83 said in #1:
> I just wonder why someone would want to cheat at online chess, especially at the amateur level where there generally are no cash prizes or some other greed based incentive to achieve better results. How does someone derive any sort of satisfaction from winning games or having a pumped up rating because they used an engine? Does it make them feel strong? Do they feel socially enabled here on lichess, wrongly thinking that someone else will actually care about their engine inflated online rating? It just seems like it would be a massive waste of time and I dont quite understand what kind of self deceiving satisfaction the cheater gets from cheating. Thoughts?

Because they want to get more ratings.
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Cheat. Win. Raise rating. Cheat. Win. Raise rating...
To some people that is rewarding enough
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