
Do cheaters not know that they're flagged?

@Beechopper said in #1:
> I came across a game now with two cheaters with the "This account violated the Lichess Terms of Service" on their profile playing each other and it made me wonder; do cheaters know that they're flagged as cheaters?
> And if so, why would they keep playing and even keep cheating, against other cheaters? Seems like such a waste of time. If you want to play a computer, there is a "Play the computer"-button on lichess...? ^^
sometimes they do
if someone has been on lichess for a while then yeah he also watches forums then yeah
moreover after he suspects he will go as anon and then simply check his usernaame
@ZhuLaoYe said in #11:
> Why does everybody hate cheaters? It’s not like they’re homeless people or something.
hate them for what they did
@chess_235 said in #9:
> as #1 said, it really is fun to watch two players with stable move times and low acpl play against each other!
@chess_235 said in #

Once I forget about all my games, maybe six or so. I timed out on all of them. I had had the account for a few years, no issues.
Then some nasty mail about sandbagging and I can be kicked off LiChess and all that. I had to look up what sandbagging was. I had no idea. It’s a free site, I think they could chill out. Sandbagging is for use in tournament placing or something. I have never joined a boring chess tournament here. Pissed me off so bad I closed the account and quit chess for a long time.
@ZhuLaoYe said in #11:
> Why does everybody hate cheaters? It’s not like they’re homeless people or something.

Why would you hate homeless people?
Why should a player starting here a few days ago as patron, real name given and a real life national rating of 1650 ( about 1850 elo), well known in his club and city, soil his reputation with cheating in a couple of meaningless games?
The justification to hate someone is because they are homeless? Did your parents teach you this bullshit?
@ZhuLaoYe said in #11:
> Why does everybody hate cheaters? It’s not like they’re homeless people or something.

What a disgusting comment.
Of course it's intentional that cheaters and other Tos offenders are not aware. There are many hilarious threads in Lichess Feedback - even when people notice that things are different, they pretend like they have no clue what's going on and that Lichess is bugged and they ask to "fix the problem etc" - I always check these accounts, and oftentimes I find 100% cheating evidence right away from flat move times. They know exactly what they were doing and they fake cluelessness or even deny cheating when someone tells them the truth (you shouldn't do that by etiquette, but eh, it still happens).

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