
Whats the minimun, centi-pawn loss you have ever got in a game?

Pretty hard to find old games with cpl 0, but here is one with a cpl lower than 10, that might give you an idea, how to get to zero

@NascentLisiansky I noticed my error, looks like I was blinded by the 0 Blunders ;-) , but I am pretty sure I have some zero BLunder/Inaccuracy/CPL games in my history. But that was only possible, because my opponents blundered bigtime and all I had to do to was to make some natural moves.
I mean if you want the minimum possible I've gotten some 0 acpls in atomic, stockfish perfect game every move because my opponent blunders mate on move 1
All the games till now have usually been either really short or the opponent got drugged and decided to hang everything. Now I'm going to present a game which was played almost perfectly by both me and my opponent and was long enough. Also notice that a lot of unnecessary moves in the endgame can also bring down the ACL by quite a bit. Also, I deserve a bonus point for forking a knight and king with a knight

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