
Do you have any commercials you kinda like?

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from the Ancient Archives:

"I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing"
"We've Only Just Begun"

oh yeah, and that Levi's ad to Mule Skinner Blues ("Lee-hee-hee-hee-huh-hee-Vi's")
Charles Nelson Reilly (and the Big Fig Newton)
Cookie Man (with Mary Lou Phelps!)
Tootsie Pops with Mr Owl ("One...two...three [CRUNCH]--three")
Joe Isuzu & the Queen
Bartles & Jaymes
No, i always mute the volume when they come on and look away from the screen to be honest until they've finished.
It would be refreshing if the advertisers stopped being so asinine and predictable. :).
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