
Why no female players?

Why women are not interested in playing chess, even though it is an indoor board game.

I never played with any female player in lichess also.

Does there is different championship are conducting for Men and Women separately? if yes , Why ?? since Chess is a mind brain - game.

Is there any psychological reasons behind it?
Yeah, one has to sit quietly which is against their nature. That's the reason why the quote of women who play chess and go fishing is far below 10%. Even boxing attracts more women. ;)
In my opinion, the reason for what you observe is that chess is competitive and it is analytical. Both of which are generally regarded as traits more masculine and feminine. Why that is the case is a sociological/anthropological conversation that's over my head and beyond the scope of this forum.
The male brain thinks more mathematically. Chess is a game of constantly solving complex equations etc.,

Most chess boards don't have pink squares either, which is most unfair.
I've played with women many times: in Lichess and in live tournaments.
The most likely reason is that chess historically has been a mens game. If you go fifty years back in time women weren't really allowed to play. It takes time to make up for this. At the youngest age you will often see 50% boys and 50% girls. But its probably much easier for boys to continue playing as it is a very male dominated sports. The older generations being sexist and discriminating probably doesn't help either.

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