
Story: Shadow’s best Rickroll :)

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Rickrolls' beauty's that they apply to all situations: Trolled, bored, or just feel like it, Rickrolls're perfect. :)

In a thread called, 'Lichess or Donald Trump,' I posted, 'TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Then my friend DM'd me, 'You support Trump?' As a Rickroller, I used this opportunity. :)

I convinced her I was a Trump supporter & made some questionable arguments about why Trump's 'great' & 'has helped the country!' (Like, 'He deserves credit for the economy of the US!')

She disagreed, so I wrote she's 'sensational' & 'refuses to give Trump credit, even when he deserves it!'

I wrote that hating Trump's fine, but she should read an article detailing good things Trump's done. Then, I sent her this link:

Later, we exchanged dialogue similar to this:

That list isn’t very accurate

It is

I don’t believe it

Why not?

He doesn’t know the rules
