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9 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - I have created an extension to show good/excellent/brillancies and book moves#17

@jeffsonadam thanks a lot for the testing and this review !! I really appreciate that. "it says one brilliance and one excellence move, but only one move marked with "!!" can be found" => good catch! …

General Chess Discussion - I have created an extension to show good/excellent/brillancies and book moves#9

@PranavBobbySekhar thanks for the test run ! Can you give me the game that you've tried so that I can see what's wrong ? Would you please check on this one ShvAT6ZA which is working on my…

General Chess Discussion - I have created an extension to show good/excellent/brillancies and book moves#5

@dboing exactly what I think ! Blundering is part of the process of learning of course and one should always focus way more on blunders than on so called "good" moves. But showing "good" moves is simp…

General Chess Discussion - I have created an extension to show good/excellent/brillancies and book moves#1

Hi there, I've found it quite bad that good/excellent/brillancies and book moves aren't shown here in Lichess the same way does. Before anyone screams at me, I DO KNOW that this is because t…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Storm Score and Rating Correlation#26

Based on what ? @Sagittarius1
