
Search "user:manganese-carlsen_1"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - a way to beat a higher rated opponent in the dutch#1

Game analysis - perfect game with 100% accuracy (over 20 moves played) average centipawn loss = 1#1

hers is the game ....

Lichess Feedback - watching human v stockfish on new lichess format#1

I always used to click watch games >current games>computer games and it would send me to a dozen or so games to view in multi game format. This new lichess layout has changed and i am unable to find t…

General Chess Discussion - watching human v computer games on new lichess format#1

I always used to click watch games >computer and it would send me to a dozen or so games to view in multi game format. This new lichess layout has changed and i am unable to find these games anymore. …

General Chess Discussion - Suggestive names#5

I gave myself this name because i knew it would get deep into my opponents sub-conscious. People definately play lower than their rating against me and i speculate that being reminded (sub-consciously…

General Chess Discussion - elite chess players on lichess playing stockfish level 8#1

I have been fascinated wth human v engine games and have watched Hikaru get destroyed by engines with pawn odds. However,I have been watching how a 2900 (lichess) plays against level 8 (L8) here on Li…

General Chess Discussion - GMs Vs Stockfish 8#3

Thx Corvus. Do you know of any in longer time controls? I want to see how GM calculation differs from engine.

General Chess Discussion - GMs Vs Stockfish 8#1

I am looking to find games played between GMs and Stockfish at its highest level on Lichess.
