
Search "user:cyanfish"

87 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Account Safety on Lichess (and Beyond)#31

#27 Try this:

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Database and PGN splitter in Linux#8

Using mono on PgnSplit.exe should work

General Chess Discussion - A new logo for Lichess#15

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Software is Making Moves For Me Dropping a Piece Before I Finish Placing It by Drag & Drop#2

Sounds like your mouse is busted. It's sometimes possible to fix (google your mouse model + "click problem"), or you might need a new one. In the meantime you may want to click on the start/end square…

Lichess Feedback - Vote for the old rating system#14

The changes don't make ratings go up (or down). It just means they're less volatile and change more slowly. So a 100 pt increase is actually more meaningful now, and is less likely to just be random v…

Lichess Feedback - Rating #23

The only problem with that is sometimes you have players like Penguin that are legitimately 300 points higher than the field and have a hard time finding any games at all with players in their range. …

Lichess Feedback - Glicko-2 Rating periods#4

Sorry, I'm probably being a bit unclear about the terminology. I meant that we calculate new ratings immediately after every game, with the formula change I mentioned above. 4.6 days means that if you…

Lichess Feedback - Glicko-2 Rating periods#2

This was actually only recently fixed on lichess. The solution is to allow fractional rating periods (currently lichess says a rating period is 4.6 days which is kind of arbitrary but is tuned for our…

Lichess Feedback - Server analysis is buggy#2

Looks like it takes Stockfish until depth 21 or 22 in that position until it sees Qa5 gets mated. The reality is that with millions of positions analyzed every day, it's not economical to spend more t…

General Chess Discussion - Why is my Blitz rating Provisional?#3

Your rating deviation (which determines whether your rating is provisional) now increases over time. Since you haven't played a rated game in a couple years it's now above the provisional threshold. P…
