
Search "user:Shadow1414"

5230 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Why are u dumb#13

'Cause o' threads like these.

Off-Topic Discussion - Say your favourite thing#17

Rock 'n furl, It's wha' I do. Callin' t' me, 'tis. Knowin' it's power, I obey. Rock 'n furl, aye! Oh, I be furlin'! Look, it's power be growin'! LOL, read the first letter o' each paragraph :)

Off-Topic Discussion - Whats your own quotes?#44

'Redeamed villians make the best protectors.'

Off-Topic Discussion - make me laugh#5

Knock knock! Who is it? Knock knock! Who is it? Knock knock! Who is it? Knock knock! Who is it? I ALREADY TOLD YOU IT'S KNOCK KNOCK! OK :)

General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#14

'I seem to have some success down here in the 1500s just keeping an eye out for the critical, now or never, time.' ~ Strategies used at low levels aren't applicable t' high levels, 'n fer all intensiv…

General Chess Discussion - Is it normal to have a winning streak and then suddenly start losing several games in a row?#6

Winnin' streaks 'n losin' streaks are a part o' life. While they be sometimes caused by tilt or the culmination o' proper work, the truth be that they sometimes jus' happen, 'n are sometimes also out …

Off-Topic Discussion - Happy Mother's Day#11

Mothers' day is stupid. If you love someone, you should tell them that because you want to, not because it's, 'Mother's day.' If you do it because of a tradition designed to sell expensive perfume and…

General Chess Discussion - Searching for a simple line for black!#11

#1: In 99.9% o' cases, thar's no better line than the mainline, that's why it's the mainline. #2: That variation be bad (which hurts me t' write, 'cause I like it a lot). #7: Wha' line did ye play aga…

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on the queen's indian accelerated?#2

Look at master game statistics, then ye'll find yer answer.

General Chess Discussion - Rematches#3

If it seems like scallywags be tilted, thus easier t' loot o' thar valuables, rematches will help me conquer the ocean quicker.
