
Search "user:tolius"

47 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Increment for antichess arenas#9

#8 Counter caveat 1: crazyhouse has twice as many official tournaments, and some tournaments do have increment. Counter caveat 2: the shortest mate (Fool's mate) in crazyhouse requires 2 moves. The sh…

Lichess Feedback - Increment for antichess arenas#7

I really like the idea of adding increment for antichess arenas. Time control really matters. I'd love to have the same tournament scheme for antichess as for crazyhouse. The only suggestion would be …

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Lichess Feedback - Use of books#3

Even in solved variants like Antichess? (I hope no one will do it in Antichess after 1.e3) @ProgramFOX am I correct, tablebases are not allowed in correspondence games? If so, correspondence Antichess…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair behavior #32

@Toadofsky thanks a lot for this great change! Looking forward to deploying it. Personally, I think that 60 (even 55 for most variants) would be better in terms of featuring active players. And not on…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair behavior #24

@Morozov I guess your solution would work, however I'm pretty sure that it would be too resource intensive. I assume that reducing the RD is easy to implement and this doesn't require additional queri…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair behavior #21

It isn't a problem if they prefer low-rated opponents. The problem is a fairly easy requirement (threshold) to get on the leaderboard. We are not talking about the minimum RD threshold (although I kno…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair behavior #19

I really like the idea to reduce the RD threshold to 60. I guess it could be done for regular chess (except Rapid and Classical) as well.

Antichess WC - ACWC Pairings and Match Results#389

@tolius 4 - 6 @Raicosta First game:

Antichess WC - ACWC Pairings and Match Results#384

@tolius vs @Raicosta is rescheduled to November 23, 20:00 UTC.
