
what would you do in this situation?

Pedantic mode on:
If it really is the original _copy_ I wouldn't worry much.

I guess you mean the original. You'd better have a very good insurance...

Pedantic mode off.
<Comment deleted by user>
Little Milton had it right:
"If i don't love you baby,
Grits ain't groceries,
Eggs ain't poultry,
And Mona Lisa was a man..."
EDIT 2: i found a replacement for this painting... and its the starry night, hope you're not too disappointed
Face the charges. As someone who enjoys art, it must be understood that artwork is easier to destroy than to make.
Firstly, I would destroy the other copy of the Mona Lisa (now it is very important to do a good job destroying both paintings). Then, I would go back in time, meet with DaVinci, and explain to him that some idiot in the 21st century has destroyed his two Mona Lisas. I would have him make 3 more. Then I would go back toward the future to the day when I destroyed the two paintings. At that point, I would not destroy them. Now, there are 5 paintings. On two of those paintings, I would very carefully erase Leonardo's signature and resign it Michelangelo. I would then go back in time and leave a note with the officials explaining there were four paintings of the Mona Lisa but two had been highjacked by that guy painting the Sistene Chapel. I can't decide to either keep the 5th painting, hanging it in workshop next to the painting of the four dogs playing poker, or maybe I would have a garage sale and sell it. That could end up being a great story. Lastly, while was I bouncing around time, I would stop and fix Twitter, buy a thousand dollars worth of Amazon stock, and bring back muscle cars. After that, I think I would take a nap.
fact of the day: dont forget commas

incorrect: lets eat grandpa!

correct: lets eat, grandpa!

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