
how do I be on TV. Profiles have time on TV on them.

@g00dgam3 You have to be the highest rated player playing in a certain time control or variant, OR you are playing someone else who is the highest rated player playing in a certain time control or variant. The amount of time you are the highest rated player in a certain time control or variant, and you are playing, it counts as time on TV. (same thing applies to if you're playing someone on TV you get the same time too). You can see people on TV by clicking Watch on the menu above. If you're on TV you'll likely be able to see yourself on the TV list, or your opponents name. One hint that you are on TV is if you notice that suddenly your game has gained a lot of spectators or more than usual. That's a hint you could be on TV.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions feel free to ask them.
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Yeah same. Most of my time on TV was spent in classical (since theres not many classical players) and a lot of my friends are titled and occasionally when I'm playing my friends they get on TV and that increases my time. For example I played my friend @halfnatty a lot, and he used to be the #1 player in classical so a lot of my TV time came from that.
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I may not be allowed to say this, but playing high-rated bots gives you a high chance of being on tv as there is a special section for bot games.
I thought Magnus could be 100% on TV but surprisingly he is only 50% on TV. ( 5 days)

Me on TV (6 hours ).

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