
I need some new openings coz I suck at Rapid

Pirc defense against e4, then KID agaist d4?

It's a whole new system, but then it's also interesting because of that. Check out NM Robert Ramirez youtube channel!

This channel contains a lot of information that may be useful to you. And in particular there is a playlist "Chess openings".

But I would advise you not to rush into studying openings, but to look at another playlist - "How to Play Chess". You already know a lot of what is explained in this playlist and you can skip some of the videos and concentrate on what you find new and interesting.

Then it would be helpful to get to grips with the "How To Study Chess Tactics" and "Chess Tactics" playlists. The fact is that this is the basis of chess, and if you do not master tactical techniques, no openings will help you.
You can also get acquainted with tactics and practice on this site in the menu Learn ->Practice

All this will take a lot of time, so be patient and persistent.
Good luck!
Learn both sides of Queen's Gambit Accepted. Most under 1600 neglect learning it. You can lose in a hurry if unprepared. Albin counter gambit with Lasker Trap. Siberian Trap. Triple Muzzio.

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