
Describe the view from the window in one sentence

An apartment block, a school, a house with a kennel where a dog sleeps, and a cat that shits in the dog's bowl while it sleeps. I must have looked out the window just in time :)
OK, now describe your view
@Aoza said in #1:
> An apartment block, a school, a house with a kennel where a dog sleeps, and a cat that shits in the dog's bowl while it sleeps. I must have looked out the window just in time :)
> OK, now describe your view

What a great topic! Thanks!

As I draw back curtain in my warm golden colored kitchen, I gaze out at the city skyline in the distance and hustle and bustle of the shoppers on the streets below.
A small tree, a rose bush, a semi-quiet street in an urban setting, people walking their dogs. A
sudden gasp, panic, it's, it's Godzilla! Oh wait a minute. It is my grandson with a blow-up toy. Oh well, back to chess.
As rain lashes in the harsh summer heat, I open the window and just lean my head towards the window sill and enjoy the smell of rain coming.
black out with million firefly's in the sky and one group of rabbit sitting on a white circle making rice cakes. :D

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