
Is chess more about positional sense than calculations

Opening and endgames seems to be completely based on calculations that's why people memorise them but what about the middlegame?
Openings are including every strategic factors you can get in middlegames (the point where you switch from openings to middlgame is unclear). Endgames are more "technical", meaning you're executing some well known strategies more than you're improvising some creative stuff ; but it's still strategy.

So no strategy is not reserved to middlegame, that said what's the most important factor in a game result : getting a long term pressure against some pawn or loosing a piece ?
You can't say that it's all "completely based on calculations" (since you have to know what you're calculating for). ;)
@anujhumain said in #1:
> Opening and endgames seems to be completely based on calculations that's why people memorise them but what about the middlegame?

If you play a memorized move, then you are not calculating. You dont memorize openings, you memorize ideas and the ideal position of the pieces to execute them. So when the opponent or you deviate a bit, you calculate how does that move affect the execution of the idea you are trying to do.

Its not like you cant memorize the opening, but there is no use for you if you dont know what you are supposed to do once you reach the ideal position of your pieces.

And if you are black, you do have to calculate a lot if you are trying to avoid certain opening, as white might use a tricky move order to reach it, or to provoke a specific response based on your own move order. So you are not relying on memory. That is a horrible approach to chess. You can do it, but you shouldnt.

But the mid game is even more taxing in terms of calculations. you have to calculate a few different attack plans, the variations of how your opponent can stop you, you also have to calculate how/when or where you are going to trade pieces, as you want to have a better position for the endgame.

Midgame is where you calculate the most, the ending is when you calculate the least, but if you are indeed reaching an endgame, the endgame probably requires more precision. as there are less pieces, less traffic, so every move is heavier.

"Is chess more about positional sense than calculations"
You reach that dream position because you calculated it. thats why you wanted that position to begin with. You dont "feel" where the pieces should be, you calculate where they make the most impact after identifying which squares you are supposed to control.

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