
Suggestion: Add "make move" button

i am sorry, if anybody already made a thread about this, but the first search results weren't showing anything useful.
the reason for this thread is, that i'd like to have an option in lichess which allows you to enable a "make move" button (at least for correspondence chess). one should be able to enable this in the "preferences" section.
the reason is, that i once made a move, thinking that i was still in the anaysis mode, but the move was made in the real game. i know that it's my own fault and i should have double checked before making the move, but if implementing this feature wouldn't require much work/time it would be great seeing it.

thanks again for this great site!

_____The good Sir is RIGHT (we discussed this). It is a more universal fix. And while ruining any game is tragic, it feels worse if it is a game that has been enjoyed over the course of 4days --4 weeks. Evidently this is a feature of some of those inferior sites.

____A Milder 'FIX' would be to alow a preference for having different board color/ pieces for the ANALYSIS screen. I tend to use the analysis only when really flummoxed and at least 7 times have MOVED IN THE GAME SCREEN THINKING I WAS IN ANALYSIS MODE.. (i realize the screens are different but i blundered anyway)

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