
The "Ban Russians" Topics Need to Stop

I agree with you @InkyDarkBird. We really can't do anything about it so why are we complaining to ban Russians? They haven't done anything wrong it's the government problems (Sorry if I'm wrong)
There is no active topic about about banning russians, but there is a topic that such topics need to stop. What happened? Did I miss smth?
It is probably a time to create a topic that topics about stopping "ban russians" topics need to stop.
@Alex_1987 said in #15:
> There is no active topic about about banning russians, but there is a topic that such topics need to stop. What happened? Did I miss smth?
> It is probably a time to create a topic that topics about stopping "ban russians" topics need to stop.
Shall I create a thread about stopping the topic about stopping the topic of stopping the ban russians topic?
@InkyDarkBird said in #1:
> Lichess has already released an official statement of neutrality ONE YEAR AGO on the Russia-Ukraine war.
> They will NOT change their position anytime soon.
> So stop SPAMMING to ask Lichess to ban Russians.
> Oh yeah and if you want to argue about the crimes of Russians or blah blah other useless arguments go to one of the links I have provided below and maybe you'll see that your point was already made COUNTLESS TIMES BEFORE AND WAS PROBABLY SEEN BY MODERATORS ALREADY.
> It is absolutely POINTLESS to continue arguing about this.
BAN RUSIA!!!!!! The ar badd peeples i herd storys abut them they gav mee nigtmaresd!

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