
The Best Chess Opening

Noel, before your next blog: try to open any random physical book and look what a normal text looks like. For 1000 years nobody inserted a NEW LINE between every two sentences. Make your future blogs more condense so we don't have to scroll down a kilometer to see what you have to say. We are intelligent chess players and out attention span is not < 2 seconds.

Btw, "no single best opening"? Wow, what a shocker. Tell us more, Sir.
I believe what every chess player should focusing is to what playing format they should be playing with. let's be honest, whatever the opening will be and you don't know how to control time... its useless.
@Kazecort said in #8:
> Hi, I need a tip, I'm 2000+ fide player, I'm positional player (positional squeezer, I like to limit the opponent and I'm good in endgames and openings, but I m bad at calculation which I'm trying to improving at). I tried tons of openings. I play as white d4 and against fianchetto lines (grunfeld benoni, kid) i dont have any problem. I allow nimzo ( I used to play catalan before but now I play Nc3) with Qc2 aggressive with e4 immediatly and its kinda good. I also succed against all d5 openings (QGD and Slav) I'm very good. But now as Black, I play QGD as black ( I used to play Nimzo but Idk why I was losing since nimzo is a lot positional). The problem is e4! I played everything and played sicilians for 15 years (all lines except sveshnikov, which will never fit my style). I played Paulsen for years and got amazing games (won against John Nunn in a simul and won against an IM in classical chess) but now it seems people prepare it against me and get a worse position. Changed to taimanov but got crushed by some 1900+, tried najdorf and won 2 games out of 2 but too much theory and too aggressive. Tried HyperDragon but maroczy kills it even if I played good games. Now tried Classical sicilian and seems good but I often lose. Which line can fit my style? I tried caro-kan all lines but it seems I get worse positions most of the times

what you need is to clear your mind. don't over think. its good to win. but sometimes the our loses places us in a bad position... because we over think that we might lose again. just enjoy playing chess.
Best is a subjective opinion, like taste. Some like the taste others don't.
So best might be something like a semi-open defense games, hoping to please everyone: Sicilian Defense, the French Defense, and the Caro-Kann Defense.

The best chess opening will be the one that gives the most checkmates.
That's if you are aiming for a checkmate and not trying to flag a player.
@Kazecort said in #8:
> Hi, I need a tip, I'm 2000+ fide player, I'm positional player (positional squeezer, I like to limit the opponent and I'm good in endgames and openings, but I m bad at calculation which I'm trying to improving at). I tried tons of openings. I play as white d4 and against fianchetto lines (grunfeld benoni, kid) i dont have any problem. I allow nimzo ( I used to play catalan before but now I play Nc3) with Qc2 aggressive with e4 immediatly and its kinda good. I also succed against all d5 openings (QGD and Slav) I'm very good. But now as Black, I play QGD as black ( I used to play Nimzo but Idk why I was losing since nimzo is a lot positional). The problem is e4! I played everything and played sicilians for 15 years (all lines except sveshnikov, which will never fit my style). I played Paulsen for years and got amazing games (won against John Nunn in a simul and won against an IM in classical chess) but now it seems people prepare it against me and get a worse position. Changed to taimanov but got crushed by some 1900+, tried najdorf and won 2 games out of 2 but too much theory and too aggressive. Tried HyperDragon but maroczy kills it even if I played good games. Now tried Classical sicilian and seems good but I often lose. Which line can fit my style? I tried caro-kan all lines but it seems I get worse positions most of the times

My rating is slightly lower but I have same style and I am performing at similar rating. I used to play d5, but now play nimzo. However I always, and always will play e5. The Sicilian is too dynamic for me and I will admit that’s my weakness. E5 is actually, good, as long as you know what you play against openings. It requires very little theory just to be aware of lines. I play the Breyer for the RL for example, and this works well with my style bc it’s a lot of manoeuvring and positional plays, often long games. I would suggest trying out e5, it’s more positional than one things. If you get KG I play d5 and this leads to interesting play which is less tactical than an opponent would hope for, so it’s pretty positional over all.
lots of references to 'him' and 'he', this article needs to be more gender neutral