
What does it take to go from 1900 to 2400. I am not a prodigy.

I am a 14 year old and want to know from experienced chess enthusiasts what it takes to go from 1900 to 2400.

I guess its another level and normally you wont get there unless there is something special in you.

Unfortunately I am not a chess prodigy.

@atharv_2006 seriously? I think I found a good way leveling my way up.

Master games. Replay as many as you can. Do 2 every day. By the end of the month you will know so much more about any phase of the game and patterns that your chess abilities will have increased.

Repeat that for a year. Knowing 1000 games by heart will surely help.

2400 is a very high goal, maybe aim for 2200, it's already very good.
Improve at the endgame. The major and minor endgame patterns. Make sure you see the forcing and non forcing moves in your calculations. Play gambits. If you are really lucky play the Modern Benoni, and the variation where you exchange the g7 bishop for the c3 knight. Happened in a club game with 2300+ and the people laughed at me (was a tournament) - but I was clearly winning after the exchange.
Improve in small details in many areas,
1. More accuracy, e.g 2 blunders in every 10 moves to 1 blunder
2. More deeper opening preparations, book moves 10 to book move12
3. Better understanding of positions with more experiences
4. Faster seeing in tactics with more training etc.

No magic breakthrough, but try to improve such small details . :)
Tactics and rook endgames
No idea, for me Its hard to differenciate players
between 2200, 2300, 2400 and 2700 elo.
One thing is for sure you need a lot of memory,
obviously ratings are not just points or numbers,
each 100 points up there is a higher precision, constancy
and pressure.
Sometimes I like to think chess as tetris, they just
know how to put the pieces together, the checkmate
is like some mating (tetris) sequence or pattern,
creating a whole block around the king, like 9 squares
(although tetris is about eliminating files, so it is a metaphore)
They know how to coordinate the pieces and move them
with rigged structures and dinnamic play,
that is solid chess.
But there are exceptions 2700-2800 guys have ugly chess,
Its not aesthetic also other players that play positional
subtle chess, I prefer old good solid attacking chess
putting pressure and gaining space, Lance style,
a player of this site, hypothetically you could reach
2400 level playing like that, but I am a bad chess commentator !
Tactics, tactical vision lots of them, confidence and speed!
And do not be afraid of a draw, It is part of the game.

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