
Nakamura vs Magnus ridiculous Bongcloud.

It wouldn't have mattered if Magnus won his last game or not. So his tried the Bongcloud opening. Also, since Hikaru was already qualified, he didn't wanna waste his time on this game. He could've aimed for the 3rd place, but who cares?
It's not much worse than the forced Berlin draw we saw as well. Even after 2.Ke2??, playing it would have been an objective strategical mistake for Naka. I would complain more about the competition format than about the players attitude (which this game has the virtue to demonstrate).
It was more like poker than chess, there was no fun there, even if it looked funny.
Psychological warfare.
Magnus trying to intimidate Hikaru, as game result was meaningless.
If he wins with 2.Ke2 -> "I can win with anything against Hikaru"
If he draws/loses with 2.Ke2 -> "I felt silly and bored"
Hikaru "I will have none of it and will play stupid 2..Ke7" and repeat.

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