
Caro-Kann vs French Defence

It's 2 different openings, I guess the question is "is the advance caro kann a better french defense ?"
I don't know for sure, well played it's fine but you should work on it more deeply than just "c6 d5 Bf5 e6 c5 end of prep", you might get crushed otherwhise.
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there is nothing wrong with playing either of those

french tends to be sharper while caro-kann is probably the most solid option against 1.e4 together with the berlin defence

i personaly don't like them as black

it's hard to get winning chances with the CK, the position is just dry and needs karpov esque playingstyle to really thrive in it
french is the most straightforward counterattacking option for black, but i'd rather play a sicilian as it's more solid

with white
the french has been a horor
the reason why i quit e4, and only now came back to it as i studied some master games
the ck isn't too much of a problem for me, i just play it slow and use my advantages
i don't agree
the CK is undoubtedly better than the Scandi
it was the main weapon of Karpov and many other strong players
the Scandi on the other hand is seen as an opening to laugh at
i don't recall a single strong player ever having it as his main weapon, beside John Bartholomew who is "only" an IM
You are free to disagree, nobody can tell for sure
Carlsen has played the Scandinavian repeatedly
It is certainly not to laugh at.
Larsen has played both Caro-Kann and Scandinavian and he opined the Scandinavian is a better version of the Caro-Kann. The structure is the same: black plays ...c6 and ...Qc7 just the same, but he avoids many annoying lines.
Carlsen is better than the Scandinavian is I believe. But I agree the comparison is more relevant with Scandi than French in most lines.
#16 #18 @tpr
just because a world champion plays it is not approved if Carlsen plays 1.e4 e5 2.ke2 (which he didn't in the mci one day ago)(would you say it is better than the vinnea just because Carlsen has not played the vinnea) would you blindly believe what carslen says if he one day says that 1.f3 1.e5 2.kf2 2.d5 ke3 is good for white will u believe him and the computers don't know how to play strategically complex positions with one or two weaknesses french is the third most popular move in the lichess database short played it Korchnoi played it Petrosian played these were original people who created chess theory of opening middlegame and endgame Carlsen is just another alpha zero players who want a draw can easily draw a game in the Caro-Kann

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