
Game Analysis

I was playing black, it was a Caro-Kann, Smyslov System.
I became a little ambitious with the move 10...Qb6!?
He took the knight but I got the half-open g-file ,the Bishop Pair in exchange for doubled pawns (which is not so bad because the f6 pawn controls e5)
I think I played well until 18..exd4?! which allowed 19.Re1+
He didn't manage to take advantage (if there was a way to take advantage of it) of the fact that I lost the castling rights.
He became greedy and took the pawn on f5. He should just have taken back the pawn and hope for the best.
Any helpful feedback and comments will be appreciated.
10...Qb6 is not as strong as the centralisation 10...Qd5, threatening 11...Bxf3.
After 12...f5 13 Ne5 your Bg4 is not that good any more.
17...e5 loses a pawn to 18 Qxf5
Hmm... @Archer66 I think 18... exd4 is just a outright mistake. Don’t open up your king when you are in the center.
#2 Yes, perhaps I should have played 12...Bh6! preventing him from castling and he can't take my pawn on h7 because of the nice interception move, ...f5!. I thought 17...e5?, he can't take because then I can play 6...Bg6 and he has to waste time with his queen. But tbh I didn't see he could play 17...Qxe5!. Thanks for the comment though!
@killercircuit But I thought my king would be safe on f8. But yes what you said was correct, I should have played 18...e4! when the f3 pawn is pinned and he won't be able to take on e4.
10.Qb6 was really good idea to castle long and make g file free for the rook but i didn't like your move 12.f5 because it gave your opponent,s knight free spaces to go.i would prefer Bh6 instead of f5 to hinder opponent from castle should castle long after that for king safety but didnt
15.Bxf6 gxf6 16.Oxg4+ Bxg4 17.f5 d5 18.exd5 Bf3 19.Rf1 Bxd5 20.0-0-0.
With an advantage in white!

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