
What's Your Favorite Band/Artist(s)?

I like Glass Animals , Imagine Dragons . My fav artist is Alan Walker and many other EDM producers
@Maximralph said in #39:
> If we're taking about size and influence then the song Smells like teen spirit alone was bigger than rush. And if we're talking about calibre of music then The Clash were probably the best band around in the late 70s early 80s.

Look, my point wasn't exactly to claim that Led Zeppelin and Rush are absolutely the biggest rock bands of all time. Heck, if I were to make a top 10 list of my personal favorites, neither would be in it. (!!)

My point is: The Warning is destined to become a really, really big name. These days there are very few classic 3 piece (drums, guitar, bass) rock bands that are capable of performing live and doing it *well*. (Most of them are long dead or fossils waiting to die. Note: this applies to *all* your examples.)

These girls are *definitely* in that category. Their shows are awesome, and they haven't even peaked yet. They're still gaining experience and are getting better at it every day.

Let's celebrate these girls I say. Rock isn't dead. (Thank god!)
@Maximralph said in #39:
> If we're taking about size and influence then the song Smells like teen spirit alone was bigger than rush. And if we're talking about calibre of music then The Clash were probably the best band around in the late 70s early 80s.

Smells Like Teen Spirit was more influential than the entire Rush discography? Are we talking about the same Rush that was a major musical influence on one Dave Grohl?

In fairness, I'm not a fan of punk (The Clash is one of the few punk bands that don't make me want to put in ear plugs), but I can think of quite a few bands from that era that I think were better than The Clash.
Of course there are huge differences between "influential", "musically impressive" and "personal taste".

Personally... I'm not the biggest Rush fan, and I think Geddy Lee is one of the worst singers in rock history. But they definitely fall in the "influential" and "musically impressive" categories.
@clousems said in #45:
> Smells Like Teen Spirit was more influential than the entire Rush discography?
Yep. Proof: I have heard the one several time, and never heard of the other.
@PxJ said in #48:
> Yep. Proof: I have heard the one several time, and never heard of the other.
I've never heard an Avril Lavine song. What does that say about her career? Absolutely nothing.

Rush had an enormous influence on rock and metal. As mentioned earlier, Dave Grohl, who co-wrote "Smells Like...", was himself influenced by Rush.

I'd be surprised if you've never heard "Tom Sawyer", but I suppose it's more plausible than me having never heard an Avril Lavine song.

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