
Puzzle 15374

Good question. I put it into the analysis board here; taking with the R gives +7.9, with the N +7.2. Hardly a fail!
It's a sad thing about lichess' puzzles. You always have to play the best possible line. A mate in 8 is not enough if you have mate in 7. People think the puzzles are fine but I don't agree. To me there are too many bad puzzles here. They are bad for several reasons. One of them is that you have to focus hard on the engine's choice even if you spot a clear winning move.
todo_pro, a mate in 8 is fine (if there is a mate in 7), a message will appears saying that is a "good move but you can do better" and let you try it again. You will fail if there is difference of 2 (mate in 8 versus mate in 6) or if you miss a mate in one.
But this is a certainly wrong puzzle
If I am not crazy after all the logical moves(I dont want to spoil) black checks in h2 and white must eat with the king but I did it and it said I failed what!? its clear mate at the next move.
Many problems are wrong here. The ones with the highest rating are not really difficult; they are just bad puzzles.
@adieguez: I did that puzzle and it seems fine to me. Which move failed?

@todo_pro: I don't fully agree. Most times it is a matter of finishing with a mate in three instead of playing a rook up. That is relevant in real games, because mate just ends the game.

But regarding the original puzzle, it is clearly flawed. How am I supposed to know which move is -7,2 and which -7,9?

I have just come across another puzzle, which I failed, because I wanted to check the king to a worse square first instead of talking the queen at the end of the puzzle. Aren't those checked by computers?
@Lakis01 at the end I played Kxh2 and I lost the points. Was a bug then? weird. I didnt mouse slip since Kh1 is illegal
@adiguez - are we talking about the same puzzle? Kxh2 isn't possible at the end.

1.Bxg7 Kxg7
2.Ng8 exd3
3.Qh7+ Kf8
4.Ne6+ Ke7

How can Black now check on h2?

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