
Win a chessboard signed by Magnus Carlsen

I know I won't win the board signed by Magnus Carlsen, I'm just trying to solve the problems and do my best.
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@TheHiddenAccount said in #45:
> Hello, I noticed that there are now "stars" on some names, awarded when you're one of the first to solve a problem, I guess. Do they have an impact in the final drawing ?

They write "Each star indicates that the user was among the first 10 to solve a problem. They don't impact the prize draw, but they do come with bragging rights."

What a bullshit imo. People in other time zones sleep at this time. And some olutions are for hours in the pending mode.
@DeepHuman_95 said in #46:
> What a bullshit imo. People in other time zones sleep at this time. And some olutions are for hours in the pending mode.

Middle East and Asia has less chances of getting stars it's true, but most chess players are in Europe and America. It's purely a fun matter to run after bragging rights, for the 80% of people for whom it's 6pm or midnight, and not affecting the (already minimal) prize - so it's not exactly a huge deal ?

And it goes by submission time, so the moment that it gets approved doesn't matter either.
I don't get why my submission says it's false for day 5...

Status: FALSE
Bh7 Qxf6+ Qg7+ Qxg7#
@gradychess said in #48:
> I don't get why my submission says it's false for day 5...

If you move bishop to h7, it won't guard the e8 square. So when white checks with Qg7+, black king can move to e8 and avoid checkmating white