
Opponent moved 10 times with only 00:00.2 time left

Hyperbullet game, i premoved everything on the last 10 seconds to win on time since opponent had almost non left. He managed to pull 10 moves with .2 seconds left with the timer on his side not moving once.

This seems to be a glitch on Lichess, has anyone faced anything similar?

Link to game:
@rick said in #1:
> Hyperbullet game, i premoved everything on the last 10 seconds to win on time since opponent had almost non left. He managed to pull 10 moves with .2 seconds left with the timer on his side not moving once.
> This seems to be a glitch on Lichess, has anyone faced anything similar?
> Link to game:
ok lets start with with how premoves work you make a premove
it saves client
when your browser gets your opponent's move it sends your move to lichess immediately that is why you can lose time

Now what you said with 10 moves in 0.2 secs sounds like lag switching.
Which is bannable you can report the user if you are 100% sure he is a lag switcher
you can report him using
no one can say here if he is doing it as it would be public shaming
all we can do is report and see
His time is normal... He pulled like 4 moves in a second which is pretty normal. His pre moving was easier since he only had to move his pawn and you had to avoid running into his queen. You shouldn’t complain, your opponent was just faster and your title is very wrong. You should just improve your speed and don’t complain.
@Bored_2_Death said in #3:
> His time is normal... He pulled like 4 moves in a second which is pretty normal. His pre moving was easier since he only had to move his pawn and you had to avoid running into his queen. You shouldn’t complain, your opponent was just faster and your title is very wrong. You should just improve your speed and don’t complain.
4 moves
from move 44 to 53 his time did not move at all
Which is strange because even premoves normal have some lag due to it only being clientside
@for_cryingout_loud said in #7:
> Which is strange because even premoves normal have some lag due to it only being clientside

Lichess compensates network lag, according to heuristics to make it fair for both players:

I've done more moves in less time. It's possible premoving:

Did you notice Gadzhiev is rated 500 points higher than you are? Human reaction time can be consistently as low as 150ms depending on age and muscle memory. Say that an 1836 takes 27% longer to make an equal move to a 2338, someone who is 27% stronger, and they both have a 200ms reaction time, which is pretty darn fast. That means if that 2338 uses 200ms to think about and complete their premove it would take the 1836 254ms to make that same quality of move. A 54ms advantage is significant. In 10 moves that means you would be expected to lose 540ms, or about half a second, consistently.

In a 30 second game a 2338 has approximately a 6.4 second time advantage over an 1836 opponent, all else equal.

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