
How to stop sweating during chess?

How do I stop sweating during chess? My chess sweats smell different and seem to develop into non-stop dripping beads of sweat out of nowhere. I'm not overweight, but have high blood pressure. I assume it's related to elevated heart rate, perhaps my question is how do I stop getting overexcited during chess games? Should I try unrated games with long time controls to take the edge off? Do master level players still sweat during chess?
@Riistetyt said in #1:
> How do I stop sweating during chess? My chess sweats smell different and seem to develop into non-stop dripping beads of sweat out of nowhere. I'm not overweight, but have high blood pressure. I assume it's related to elevated heart rate, perhaps my question is how do I stop getting overexcited during chess games? Should I try unrated games with long time controls to take the edge off? Do master level players still sweat during chess?

Invest in a chessboard made of ice cubes. It'll keep you cool, but watch out for the slippery pieces and the occasional rogue penguin who wandered onto the board.
Dondt stop the sweat..its good for you, and it's normal. It shows that you have feelings and are concentrate, and the game(s) are intence.
Very normal to have high heart rate too, when you realize the desicion in a game you care about, example if you losing to a weaker opponent or winning to a stronger opponent. Especially this things otb.
Very normal example after a game you have played otb or a game of meaning that its difficult to think about other things than that game you played, and it's diffucult to calm down and example sleep well. That game is stuck to your'e mind. Maby you have to get it analyzed too before you to to bed. All this are very normal.
I was nervous playing chess. I started doing quite a lot of rated tactical exercises. I was prepared to fail a lot, thinking that it didn't matter much because I'm no better than this. I am calmer playing now as I know I'm this bad.

The mental state should be to accept failures.

Try this method.
They say top rated players lose thousands of calories playing chess. I would suggest you're too hot too start with , lower the temperature of your room and over time you'll get used to the losses and playing chess won't seem so important. A while ago I used to feel physically sick when I lost a few in a row in a tournament but it wears off the more you play and the losses mean less , but still enjoy the small victories xxx
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